International Policy Activities
UNFCCC COP21 Paris, France 2015
UNFCCC Side Event: SeaTrust Institute - 2014
Lima, Peru - Dec. 1, 2014
UNFCCC Side Event: SeaTrust Institute - 2013
Warsaw, Poland, Cracow Room - Nov. 17, 2013
UNFCCC Side Event: SeaTrust Institute and Nurses Across the Borders - 2012
Where: Durban, South Africa, Durban Conference Center, Lebuvu Room
When: 30 November, 2012 20:00 - 21:45h
This side event considers two interrelated concepts: 1) how health can drive policy related to climate change at all scales from local to global, and 2) specific programs including those that the South/North partnership SeaTrust Institute and Nurses Across the Borders are undertaking simultaneously at local levels AND within this regime and other global regimes - and why both scales are necessary. This is the required approach if the learning, dialogue and impacts are to be supportive as they are conceived, iteratively changed, and implemented.
What this means in practice at the community level is not only working directly with community members but creating the context for real, actionable leadership by local and global civil society partnerships working in true collaboration. Partners include local educational institutions and other community based organizations who know their local areas and government structures intimately. These factors must be considered when deciding the course of action for their own climate adaptation strategies in tandem with global expertise (acting as actual partners rather than recipients of aid with “strings” attached) , technologies and leadership with a clear recognition of the joint benefits and goals. This is not an easy task; for one thing, it requires a readjustment of our own political “business as usual, “ practices, and that changes the balance from proscriptive to inclusive and even to locally-led as the responsibility for action shifts to local areas.
See the Report of Activities . for more information about this event.
UNFCCC Side Event: SeaTrust Institute and Nurses Across the Borders - 2012
Where: Durban, South Africa, Durban Conference Center, African Pavilion, River Room
When: 29 November, 2011 9:00 - 15:00
In a 6-hour event sponsored by the African Union, SeaTrust Institute and Nurses Across the Borders explore critical issues in disaster risk reduction and management (DRR/M) and climate change adaptation (CAA). In particular, the role of nurses and other first responders is highlighted in lecture and then in an interactive workshop engaging the audience in lively discussion.
See the Report of Activities for more....
Extremes – nimble institutions for risk reduction and disaster response, collection and distribution of timely information before and immediately after disaster
Heightened Variability - flexible decision making
Long Term Change – durable support from institutions yet remain flexible enough to accommodate the unknowns that emerge
Applications of Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) thinking and other scientific approaches to climate change and health issues, focusing on malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa
Approaches to risk assessment, adaptation and action through integrating health professionals, researchers, policy makers and others in bringing health to the heart of climate change initiatives
UNFCCC SB 34 Side Event: SeaTrust Institute and Nurses Across the Borders - 2011
Where: Hotel Maritim;, Metro (MoT) UN Climate Change Conference June 2011, Bonn, Germany
When: 10 June , 2011 20:00- 21:30
Consultative Forum -
Purpose: to present policy-relevant research evidence about the heath effects of climate change and to plan for work with health and climate colleagues at COP17, Durban, S.A. and beyond.
Meetng of the Health and Climate Coalition
Health and Climate Coalition
Saturday, December 4, 2010
4:30 to 6 pm
Westin Resort and Spa – O’Gorman Room
Human health risks are among the most significant and recognized public concerns related to climate change. Evidence shows that negative health effects are already occurring and will escalate quickly as the climate changes. However, health has not been sufficiently represented in the climate change negotiations, nor in proposed or current operational mechanisms.
To address this gap and promote increased awareness of the health effects of climate change, a group comprised of health-focused research organizations, NGOs, and government representatives developed a Health and Climate Coalition at the COP15 in Copenhagen. This Coalition is poised to bring a health focus to the heart of the UN Climate Change Meeting negotiations at COP16 and beyond.
Please join the Public Health Institute and SeaTrust Institute in the O’Gorman room of the Westin Resort and Spa (on the conference shuttle route) from 4:30 to 6 pm on Saturday, December 4 to meet with colleagues from the health community and other interested parties to strategize on how health issues can be more prominent in these and future negotiations.
Please RSVP by December 3 to Annie Andrianasolo at For more information about the Coalition, please contact Lynn Wilson at
We look forward to seeing you!

Web Event: Report from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen: Implications for Human Health
Date: January 28, 2010
Time: 1PM EST / 10AM PST
Web Event: archived at
UNFCCC COP 15 / United Nations Climate Change Conference
According to the United Nations Framework Convention in Climate Change in Stepping up International Action on Climate Change: The Road to Copenhagen, “Climate change is today widely recognized as one of mankind’s greatest challenges in the 21st century. If left unchecked, climate change can seriously harm economies, societies and eco-systems all around the world, especially in developing countries.”
Dr. Lynn Wilson returns from participating in the international climate change meetings at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen to engage webinar participants in what is being called “the forgotten discussion” in the climate change equation: human health. Besides offering reflections as representative for an admitted civil society organization in the official negotiations, Lynn will share insights from participation in working groups on climate and health, informal discussions and side events to present a picture of international collaboration and conflict, knowledge and progress in this critical scientific and policy arena.
In this session you will learn about (particularly as it relates to climate change and human health):
Expected climate change effects on health issues throughout the world and in your backyard
How informal talks and formal negotiations in Copenhagen affect potential agreements and outcomes
The roles science plays, and does not play, in the negotiations and decisions
Ways to have an impact on the conversation as an academic researcher, a scientist or a member of civil society
How you can be involved through the SeaTrust Institute/IGI Global Consortium on Climate Change and Population Health
archive link: